Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Or Simply Call us 478-348-6555

1542 Francis Bridge Rd
Davisboro, GA, 31018


We are a non profit youth home for boys 16 - 21 years old serving Georgia's at risk youth. We teach GED as well as a wide array of Vocational skills to our youth to help give them the skills to become successful & productive members of our communities.  

Foster Child Tax Credit

In Georgia, over 500 youth exit foster care and are left to fend for themselves each year with many having no skills to help aid in this transition. Leaving foster care without achieving permanence carries lifelong consequences. However, thanks to the Fostering Success Tax Credit, also known as the Qualified Foster Child Donation Credit, your tax dollars can now bring new hope for youth transitioning from foster care. Broken Shackle Ranch used 100% of these donated funds directly for post secondary education here on our campus as we are a accredited vocational school and teach GED as well. We only offer this opportunity to the young men that are in our care so we can have the best opportunity to make the largest positive impact possible , lasting the rest of their life.

As a Georgia taxpayer, you can redirect your taxes to Broken Shackle Ranch to help prevent poverty and homelessness for youth transitioning out of the foster care system. With an initial annual cap of $20 million, donations received through the program will support our Independent Living Programs which provides guidance and support for these young men. When you participate, you receive a 100% tax credit to your state income tax bill for your contribution.

Funds are limited, so apply today!

Tax Credit Limits

  • Single individual or a head of household: Up to $2,500

  • Married couple filing a joint return: Up to $5,000

  • LLC, S Corporation or Partnership: Up to $5,000

  • Corporations / Others: Up to 10 percent of tax liability

Please refer to Georgia House Bill 424, known as the “Fostering Success Act,” for more details. For financial advice about tax deductions, please consult a qualified professional advisor.


Step 1

Apply Online

Log in or create an account at the Georgia Tax Center website Georgia Tax Center

    •    For detailed instructions, download the Qualified Foster Child Donations Credit Instructions

•     Select Broken Shackle Ranch as the Qualified Foster Child Support Organization (QFCSO).

    •    Once notified of approval, you will have 60 days to make your donation directly to Broken Shackle Ranch.

Step 2

Donate to Broken Shackle Ranch

Two ways to give:

    •    To make your gift by check, (1542 Francis Bridge Rd Davisboro Ga 31018) please allow ample time for mailing and include Broken Shackle Ranch Fostering Success Act donation form

    •    To give online, click here Online Giving


Step 3

Receive Confirmation

    •    Broken Shackle Ranch will send you a Qualified Foster Child Donation Credit Letter of Confirmation form (Georgia Form IT-QFCD-FUND1) via mail or email per your preference.

    •    Update the secure form with your information (name of taxpayer or entity, address, taxpayer identification number, date of contribution, amount of contribution, pre-approved amount of credit), and return it to Broken Shackle Ranch.

    •    Broken Shackle Ranch staff will sign the form and return it to you for your tax records.